Tag Archives: office cleanliness

Desk and Pens Need Cleaned and Sanitized Also

I read a recent study that the office desk in a kitchen contained 21,000 germs per inch and a seat in the restroom contained only 49 germs per squarre inch. How can this be?

Article on germs on desks and toilet seats.

Everything in the kitchen is cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis (hopefully). But when was the last time you cleaned your pen? Never, right? each time you grab it, you add germs to it which multiply, multiply, and multiply. Then when you grab it with a clean hand, you hand now has those germs on it again. You may wipe your desk top off, but when was the last time it was cleaned and sanitized like everything else in the kitchen. What about your cliip board?

Add your pens, desk, clipboard, and other things you touch on a regular basis to the list of things needing cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis.