Food Handler and TABC Package

Food Handler and TABC

Food Handler and TABC Package | English | 14.95

Food Handler and TABC Package | Spanish | 14.95

$2.00 State registration fee.
Food Handler and TABC
Guaranteed to be the least expensive, easiest, and quickest Food Handler and TABC Bundle on this planet! Food Handler is by Texas Best Food Services Training LLC, TABC is by 360 Training. We cannot offer refunds for this package.

Package cost $12.95
Required State of Texas registration fee: $2.00

Our manual intervention is required for personalization, such as if and where to register your certificates, and your language preference, Therefore, your patience for the personalization may be required of an hour or more.

Food Handler and TABC

Food Handler lessons, TABC course and test.

After taking this package, “English Food Handler Lessons”, and “Spanish Food Handler Lessons”, will be in the main menu. Watch those four videos (1hr.) By then we will have you a seat in a TABC class and send you the log-in credentials.

Food Handler and TABC Package | English | 12.95

Food Handler and TABC Package | Spanish | 12.95

No courses or tests. Certificates. Give us an hour to do this.

Food Handler / TABC Renewals $20.95

Español abajo

Food Handler and TABC English

After we collect your information at the payment link, you see a “Thank You”, when your payment was successful.

“English Food Hanndler Lessons” will apear in the main menu. Watch those five videos. No test. Seat time is about an hour.

Within that time you will be asigned to a TABC class, and we will notify you of those details via email. You may then download your food handler certificate at the link below, and we will email you a copy of it withing 8 hours.

Food Handler Certificate Download Link

Support: Texas Best Food Services Training LLC text or voice 512-968-5540

TABC Course

The TABC course is sponsored by 360 Training, a VAR partner of ours.

When we notify you by email that you have been enrolled in a class, you will be able to log into you TABC course with the following credentials:

360 Traing website

Log into this site (upper right corner).

User Name: your email address
Password: TABCCourse1!

Support: 360 Training 877-881-2235
& TBFST Texas Best Food Services Training 512-968-5540

Food Handler and TABC Spanish

Después de que recopilemos su información en el enlace de pago, verá un “Thank You”, cuando su pago se realizó correctamente.

“Spanish Food Handler Lessons”, aparecerá en el menú principal. Mira esos cinco videos. Sin prueba. El tiempo de asiento es de aproximadamente una hora.

Dentro de ese tiempo se le asignará a una clase de TABC, y le notificaremos de esos detalles por correo electrónico. A continuación, puede descargar su certificado de manipulador de alimentos en el siguiente enlace, y le enviaremos una copia por correo electrónico dentro de las 8 horas.

Food Handler Certificate Download Link

Support: Texas Best Food Services Training LLC text or voice 512-968-5540

El curso TABC está patrocinado por 360 Training, un socio VAR nuestro.

Cuando le notificemos por correo electrónico que ha sido inscrito en una clase, podrá iniciar sesión en su curso de TABC con las siguientes credenciales que le enviaremos un correo electrónico.

Instrucciones en Español

¡Garantizado para ser el manipulador de alimentos y paquete TABC menos costoso, más fácil y más rápido de este planeta!

Este paquete contiene los siguientes cursos, para un ahorro de $5,00 sobre los precios individuales.
Texas Food Handler training and certification $8.00
TABC Alcohol Seller / Server $8.99
Total $16.99
Required State of Texas registration fee: $2.00

Food Handler Course

Después de que recopilemos su información en el enlace de abajo, y verá un “Gracias”, que su pago fue exitoso, “Lecciones de Hanndler de Comida Inglesa” y “Lecciones de Manipulador de Alimentos en Español” aparecerán en el menú principal. Mira esos cinco videos. No hay prueba. A continuación, puede descargar su certificado, y le enviaremos una copia por correo electrónico dentro de 8 horas.

A continuación, vaya a la sección TABC que aparece a continuación.

Si aún no te has registrado en el paquete, puedes hacerlo en el siguiente enlace.

Food Handler & TABC package link

Support: Texas Best Food Services Training LLC 512-968-5540

TABC Course

El curso TABC ha sido pagado, pero es impartido por 360 Training, un socio VAR nuestro.

Texto “Estudiante TABC”, “ENG” o “SPN”, y “Nombre Completo” al 512-822-1661. Si su sistema telefónico no envía mensajes de texto, llámenos o envíenos un correo electrónico:

A continuación, le responderemos con el enlace y el código para acceder a su curso. Soporte de

360 Training 877-881-2235 Capacitación sobre los Mejores Servicios Alimenticios de
& TBFST Texas 512-968-5540


This package contains two distinct courses, Food Handler and TABC with the training and certifications included. We provide the Food Handler training, and one of our VAR Partners do the TABC.

Total completion time is normally about 2 hours during regular business hours.

If you experience any problems or have any questions, please let us know:
512-968-5540 We prefer texts.

Food Handler Part

After paying and seeing “Thank You”, “English Food Handler Lessons” and “Spanish Food Handler Lessons” will appear in the main menu.

These contain five videos to watch for your food handler training.

A test is no longer required for Texas Food Handler certifications.

You will be given the oportunity to inform us to resister these certifications with the following health districts:
Tarrant County
City of Austin
City of Houston
San Antonio
Williamson County
El Paso
If you are not on this list, you will be given a certificate which is valid anywhere in Texas. Certificates with the above registrations are also valid throughout Texas. The difference is just the local registration.

After watching the videos, you may download your certificate at the blue “Click to Print / Repring Your Certificate” link.

Within 8 hours, faster during normal business hours, we will also email you a copy of your certificate.

after completing the food handler part, proceed to the TABC section.

TABC part

You will be asigned a TABC trainer, one of our two VAR partners, or (learn2serve).

Page last modified 03/18/2025

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