Food Handler and TABC $16.45 – $5.95 City of Austin COA food handler. Best prices and customer service.
We have a physical base in Austin, and provide online, on-site, and classroom training.
Online COA Training
On-line training is movie based with NO TEST. Only $5.95 on the link below (recommended).
Food Handler with COA Registration $5.95 – Let’s do this! Click here.
Austin Food Handler TABC
Austin Food Handler and TABC – $15.99 – Click here!
Everyone else is $16.99. Use coupon SAVEONTABC
If you encounter any difficulties in billing, accessing our content, or even questions concerning our course content, do not hesitate to give us a call. main support number (469) 353-0696. The answer is yes, now what is the question?
Classroom Training
Classroom training is taught in English and Spanish every Thursday afternoon downtown Austin Texas.
El entrenamiento en el aula se enseña en inglés y español cada jueves por la tarde en el centro de Austin Texas.
Classes are held at:
Austin Public Library (main location)
710 W Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX 78701
Room 207
What to bring:
$10.00 cash / credit / debit / venmo.
email address to email your certificate to or thumb drive.
Schedule 2 hours for the class.
Classroom training includes a test at the end to ensure that you have the comprehension of the information to properly and safely serve food in Austin Texas. Our mission.
Call us Thursday Morning to confirm classes are being held.
Call us at 469-353-0696 if interested.
We also offer on-site training. Call us for details of these services 469-353-0696.
We are an official City of Austin COA number vendor. However, things just changed. The Texas Legislature passed SB582 (caused by Denton’s fracking), which limits City and County powers. The City of Austin no longer charges $12.00 to registering food handler workers effective 5/26/2015 (YAAA!). You only need your state certifications below, for $5.95, to serve open food in the City of Austin.
Food Managers are going to have to start enforcing proper hand washing.
The most important method in preventing the transmission of food borne or blood borne pathogens, to yourselves or others is proper hand washing!! Quit spreading shit around people. That’s gross and irresponsible. Being a food service professional requires doing the job right.
This is the City of Austin Health Department page relating to Food Handler Training and Certifications:
City of Austin Health Department Food Handler Page
We provide a movie based Texas Department of Health Services approved and licensed food safety course (TX DSHS Lic# 68), in both English and Spanish. The normal charge for this course is $9.95, but we are offering it now for $5.95. Our course does not have a test. Early produced courses had a test because it was required. Then DSHS changed the program to no test required. So newer courses of online training will not have a test.
We provide TABC and food handler through a partner of ours in this crime. (The governments are making the money, and we do the work).
City of Austin Food Handler Program
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that each year roughly one in six Americans (or 48 million people) gets sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases. Food Handler education is designed to reduce foodborne illness by improving the food safety knowledge and practices of those that work in the food industry.
The City of Austin requires operators of Food Enterprises to submit a list of all employees with their date of birth, job titles, and their Food Handler or Food Manager City of Austin registration number at the time of their annual permit renewal.
City of Austin Health Department Location
Physical Address:
1520 Rutherford Lane
Austin, TX 78754
Mailing Address:
PO Box 142529
Austin, TX 78714
Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Food Handler Program
The Food Handler Education and Training Program is a law. It is based on a senate bill regarding the certification of basic food safety education and training programs of food handlers.
This law has the purpose of providing educated food safety instructors to train and certify those who prepare food in restaurants so as to reduce as much as possible the major health issues caused by improperly storing, preparing, and holding foor.
One goal is to provide a single platform from which to govern this program preventing overlaps in multiple agencies trying to accomplish the same goal.
The Texas Department of State Health Services, Food Handler Program, along with the State of Texas Certified Food Manager Program, is dedicated to the health, safety, and education of the citizens of the state, educating food service employees in the proper way to produce safe food products for consumers in Texas.
The wave of the future in this issue is HACCP, which is already required in the seafood and juice industries. The latest scientifically based way to be a safe food vendor. For more information on HACCP, see our HACCP and Food Safety page on the top menu.
The Certified Food Manager of the operation is not only a manager, but is legally responsible for overseeing that her employees produce food safely.
Enroll in City of Austin Food Handler Course. English
Inscríbase en nuestra versión en Español de este curso
Austin Food Handler TABC
tabc and food handler $16.49
tabc and food handler special – $16.49
City of Austin Health Department Website
Texas Department of State Health Services Food Handler Information
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